Why Waze works for Real Estate Advertisers

Real Estate

0 Million +

global monthly active users

0 Hours

spent per month in app

0 Million +

users in the U.S. market

0 Million +

community map edits per month

Waze helps Real Estate Advertisers achieve their business goals by

Waze helps Real Estate Advertisers achieve their business goals by

Does this look familiar?

Real Estate Signs

How about this instead?

Why all Real Estate Advertisers should be on Waze

Why all Real Estate Advertisers should be on Waze

0 %

Overall uplift in Search & Navigations advertising on Waze
Branded Pins

Branded Pins

A branded pin will appear on the Waze map, making drivers in your area aware of your location and keeping your messaging top of mind.

Showcase a new location or one where competition is strong.

Sponsored Search

Sponsored Search

Using sponsored search will allow your locations to be prioritized over similar brands, as well as appear when drivers search for relevant terms.

Stand out amongst other brands, leveraging targeting and expansive search terms.

Zero-Speed Takeover

Zero-Speed Takeover

A zero-speed takeover serves a more active message when a driver comes to a complete stop, in which a specific action such as ‘Save for Later’ can be taken.

Grab Wazers’ attention with engaging creative about a specific promotion or product offering.

Higher Engagement with Zero-Speed Takeover

Higher Navigation Rate with Zero-Speed Takeover

Real Estate strategies to drive business with Waze

Open House Strategy / Promotional Offer

Open House Strategy

Leverage Waze to highlight shifts in your business operations

Promotional Offer Strategy

Get in front of consumers at critical points of influence as they are out and driving